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Your email address will never be sold, shared, or used for any purpose other than to bring you updates on new, free, Christian reading!
The Free Bible Version: A New and Helpful Translation
The Free Bible Version (FBV) is a new English language translation that has been produced by biblical scholar Dr. Jonathan Gallagher who has translated the whole of the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew texts. The FBV is an actual translation rather than just a paraphrase or a synthesis of already existing translations. While we usually recommend Bible translations done by teams of scholars, the FBV does have some noteworthy advantages. It is a generally good translation and importantly it does not attempt to reflect the beliefs of any specific faith community – but to simply reflect what the Bible says.
While most Bible versions only allow a certain number of verses to be quoted or reprinted, the Free Bible Version has been made available for unrestricted use as long as it is acknowledged as being the FBV. This freedom of use is particularly important for missionaries, teachers, and others who need to be able to distribute large sections of the Bible without charge or licensing issues. It is also a readable and worthwhile translation for the individual who likes to have several versions available for comparison in personal study. We are pleased to have added the FBV to our site, and you can download a copy in .pdf or .epub formats here.
The Free Bible Version (FBV) is a new English language translation that has been produced by biblical scholar Dr. Jonathan Gallagher who has translated the whole of the Bible from the Greek and Hebrew texts. The FBV is an actual translation rather than just a paraphrase or a synthesis of already existing translations. While we usually recommend Bible translations done by teams of scholars, the FBV does have some noteworthy advantages. It is a generally good translation and importantly it does not attempt to reflect the beliefs of any specific faith community – but to simply reflect what the Bible says.
While most Bible versions only allow a certain number of verses to be quoted or reprinted, the Free Bible Version has been made available for unrestricted use as long as it is acknowledged as being the FBV. This freedom of use is particularly important for missionaries, teachers, and others who need to be able to distribute large sections of the Bible without charge or licensing issues. It is also a readable and worthwhile translation for the individual who likes to have several versions available for comparison in personal study. We are pleased to have added the FBV to our site, and you can download a copy in .pdf or .epub formats here.
New! Free Christian E-Book Short Podcasts!
Don’t have time to read a whole e-book? Want to get the key ideas and principles in just a couple of minutes? Or perhaps you would like to get a better idea of what an e-book is all about before investing the time to read the whole thing. If one of these situations applies to you, or you would simply like to enjoy a podcast style discussion of one of our books, we have good news for you. is now producing Deep-Dive podcasts for a number of our books. These podcasts give a much more in-depth look at a book’s central ideas than a simple blurb can do, and are stimulating ways to engage with the book’s content and message. We now have the first podcasts available – providing a brief but meaningful look at books we are sure you will enjoy. You can find the podcast page here, And check back often as we will be adding new podcasts each week.
Don’t have time to read a whole e-book? Want to get the key ideas and principles in just a couple of minutes? Or perhaps you would like to get a better idea of what an e-book is all about before investing the time to read the whole thing. If one of these situations applies to you, or you would simply like to enjoy a podcast style discussion of one of our books, we have good news for you. is now producing Deep-Dive podcasts for a number of our books. These podcasts give a much more in-depth look at a book’s central ideas than a simple blurb can do, and are stimulating ways to engage with the book’s content and message. We now have the first podcasts available – providing a brief but meaningful look at books we are sure you will enjoy. You can find the podcast page here, And check back often as we will be adding new podcasts each week.
A New Year's Goal – Take a Free Bible Course!
If you are looking for a truly worthwhile goal to set for this coming year, consider taking one of the many Bible courses that are available online. A good number, such as those available from Cornerstone Bible Courses, are completely free. Cornerstone's carefully prepared non-denominational and non-commercial courses provide in-depth information on the Bible – without advertisements or other distractions – to those who cannot attend Bible school or seminary, or who simply want to understand the Bible at a deeper level in their own personal study. Significantly, all course materials – including e-textbooks – are provided for free and there are no charges of any kind. If desired, an optional final exam can be taken online and a personalized certificate of completion is provided for all passing grades. You can download a free course and study materials today from the site, here.
And the Cornerstone courses are not the only Bible courses available online. The Online Bible College Association is a new and growing association that provides an excellent service by listing worthwhile Bible courses they have personally checked to ensure they are not scams, and provide quality, trustworthy material. A number of the courses they list are free. You can visit their helpful site and check it occasionally for new additions, here.
And the Cornerstone courses are not the only Bible courses available online. The Online Bible College Association is a new and growing association that provides an excellent service by listing worthwhile Bible courses they have personally checked to ensure they are not scams, and provide quality, trustworthy material. A number of the courses they list are free. You can visit their helpful site and check it occasionally for new additions, here.
Free New e-Edition of the Berean Study Bible
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is a translation that we recommend highly as being both accurate and very readable. Not surprisingly, it is one of our top downloads, and we are very happy to be able to offer the latest – 2025 – edition of this excellent Bible version. The third edition of the BSB, has a number of updates to improve standardization and consistency. There is no major change that would render earlier editions of the version less useful, but the publishers of the BSB are wisely maintaining their desire for a text that faithfully renders the original biblical texts as well as possible and are continuing to make even small improvements in this regard and in the readability of the translation.
We regard this bible as one of the top two or three mediating versions available. It is positioned perfectly on the translation spectrum that ranges from almost unreadable literal versions to paraphrases that do not preserve the message as it was given and is ideal as a study or reading Bible. As a new edition, only the pdf format is available now, but we hope to add the epub format of the BSB third edition soon. Download the fully indexed pdf which can be read on any computer (or the second edition in epub or mobi) here.
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is a translation that we recommend highly as being both accurate and very readable. Not surprisingly, it is one of our top downloads, and we are very happy to be able to offer the latest – 2025 – edition of this excellent Bible version. The third edition of the BSB, has a number of updates to improve standardization and consistency. There is no major change that would render earlier editions of the version less useful, but the publishers of the BSB are wisely maintaining their desire for a text that faithfully renders the original biblical texts as well as possible and are continuing to make even small improvements in this regard and in the readability of the translation.
We regard this bible as one of the top two or three mediating versions available. It is positioned perfectly on the translation spectrum that ranges from almost unreadable literal versions to paraphrases that do not preserve the message as it was given and is ideal as a study or reading Bible. As a new edition, only the pdf format is available now, but we hope to add the epub format of the BSB third edition soon. Download the fully indexed pdf which can be read on any computer (or the second edition in epub or mobi) here.
Our Free E-Book Reader App Is Now Improved and With Even More E- and Audio-Books!
If you have not already downloaded our free e-book reader app, be sure to try it out. The app has recently gone through an update and has several improvements. A new category for audio-books has also been added, so now you can read or listen to your choice of free e-books on your Android smart phone. Download the app now from the Google Play app store, here.
If you have not already downloaded our free e-book reader app, be sure to try it out. The app has recently gone through an update and has several improvements. A new category for audio-books has also been added, so now you can read or listen to your choice of free e-books on your Android smart phone. Download the app now from the Google Play app store, here.
A CONDENSED AUDIO-BOOK VERSION OF YOUR CALL: Using the Direct Private Line of Prayer
We have now produced a condensed audio-book version of our popular and in-depth study of prayer – Your Call. The audio-book has had some of the extra chapters removed, but still has all the essential material of the full-length (over one-hundred pages) e-book. A book for new Christians and established believers alike, Your Call takes a fresh look at what the Bible says about prayer and it may transform your prayer life. It will certainly give you a number of ways you can enhance your prayers starting immediately. Stream this audio-book from our website or download a free copy for use on your own device, here
We have now produced a condensed audio-book version of our popular and in-depth study of prayer – Your Call. The audio-book has had some of the extra chapters removed, but still has all the essential material of the full-length (over one-hundred pages) e-book. A book for new Christians and established believers alike, Your Call takes a fresh look at what the Bible says about prayer and it may transform your prayer life. It will certainly give you a number of ways you can enhance your prayers starting immediately. Stream this audio-book from our website or download a free copy for use on your own device, here
Although we experienced some glitches with the first couple of our audio-books, these problems have been corrected now and so feel free to re-download a book you may have tried earlier. Also, we have added a number of titles to our audio-book list and you should find that these are all smooth listening. Check out the new titles on our dedicated audio-book page, here. And don't forget that you can also listen to any of our audio-books on your Android phone using our free app.
Although we experienced some glitches with the first couple of our audio-books, these problems have been corrected now and so feel free to re-download a book you may have tried earlier. Also, we have added a number of titles to our audio-book list and you should find that these are all smooth listening. Check out the new titles on our dedicated audio-book page, here. And don't forget that you can also listen to any of our audio-books on your Android phone using our free app.
THE BIBLE & ARCHAEOLOGY: Bringing New Light to Ancient Scriptures
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024, ISBN 979-8-89443-239-7.
Written by a biblical scholar and professional archaeologist, this book looks at a field that many people find fascinating and one that is of special interest and importance to those who believe that the Bible records many actual historical events. The book is organized chronologically – from the earliest stories of the Bible to the era of the New Testament – and shows what archaeology has or has not found. It dispels many popularly held beliefs about supposed proofs of some of the Bible’s stories, but shows how archaeology has confirmed dozens of the people, places and events recorded in the Scriptures. The Bible and Archaeology may well amaze and encourage you through the wealth of factual evidence for the Bible that it provides. Download a free copy directly, here.
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024, ISBN 979-8-89443-239-7.
Written by a biblical scholar and professional archaeologist, this book looks at a field that many people find fascinating and one that is of special interest and importance to those who believe that the Bible records many actual historical events. The book is organized chronologically – from the earliest stories of the Bible to the era of the New Testament – and shows what archaeology has or has not found. It dispels many popularly held beliefs about supposed proofs of some of the Bible’s stories, but shows how archaeology has confirmed dozens of the people, places and events recorded in the Scriptures. The Bible and Archaeology may well amaze and encourage you through the wealth of factual evidence for the Bible that it provides. Download a free copy directly, here.
Now ... Free Christian AUDIO Books!
We are pleased to be adding the audio book format to the available options for the books we offer! Now you can stream or download and listen to our free books in the .mp3 file format that can be played on any computer, tablet, or smartphone. We plan to release audio book titles each month and to have all our books available in this format as soon as possible. Our first nine audio offerings are already available (we apologize that the page was up briefly before the links were active). Download our audio books here and enjoy them as you commute, relax, or as part of your devotional study.
We are pleased to be adding the audio book format to the available options for the books we offer! Now you can stream or download and listen to our free books in the .mp3 file format that can be played on any computer, tablet, or smartphone. We plan to release audio book titles each month and to have all our books available in this format as soon as possible. Our first nine audio offerings are already available (we apologize that the page was up briefly before the links were active). Download our audio books here and enjoy them as you commute, relax, or as part of your devotional study.
Another New, Free, E-Book for You – Seven Promises from the Words of Jesus
By R. Herbert.
Living Belief Books, 2024, ISBN 979-8-89443-909-9
The promises recorded in the Bible are among the most important words in the Scriptures – and there are literally thousands of them! Even when we look only at the promises made by Jesus during his earthly ministry, there are hundreds of promises that could be considered. Yet many of these promises are prophecies that apply, for example, only to those who reject God, while others are clear promises made to those who submit their lives to him. That type of promise is of particular importance to every believer, and it is on those promises that this new book focuses. There are actually only seven unconditional and ongoing promises that Jesus made regarding his relationship with his followers – promises for believers in every age – and it is these seven vital promises that this book examines. You can download a free copy of this new e-book to read on your computer, tablet, e-book reader, or smart phone, without registration or having to give an email address. Download a copy here.
By R. Herbert.
Living Belief Books, 2024, ISBN 979-8-89443-909-9
The promises recorded in the Bible are among the most important words in the Scriptures – and there are literally thousands of them! Even when we look only at the promises made by Jesus during his earthly ministry, there are hundreds of promises that could be considered. Yet many of these promises are prophecies that apply, for example, only to those who reject God, while others are clear promises made to those who submit their lives to him. That type of promise is of particular importance to every believer, and it is on those promises that this new book focuses. There are actually only seven unconditional and ongoing promises that Jesus made regarding his relationship with his followers – promises for believers in every age – and it is these seven vital promises that this book examines. You can download a free copy of this new e-book to read on your computer, tablet, e-book reader, or smart phone, without registration or having to give an email address. Download a copy here.
A Free E-Book for You – Finding Happiness: God's Surprising Purpose for Your Life
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024 ISBN 979-8-89372-521-6
Although happiness is something we all want, perhaps above all else in life, most people look for happiness in the wrong places, live in ways that destroy what happiness they could have, or find only shallow and short-lived joy in their lives. Few people turn to the Bible to answer the question of where we might find lasting happiness, and even established believers rarely focus on what the Bible might teach them about this important topic. Yet the Bible contains hundreds of verses that show us how important happiness is, where we can find it, and how we can develop it in our lives. This non-commercial and non-denominational book looks at what the Bible teaches on this subject that can help you find the happiness you were meant to enjoy. Download a free copy directly – without registration or email address – here
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024 ISBN 979-8-89372-521-6
Although happiness is something we all want, perhaps above all else in life, most people look for happiness in the wrong places, live in ways that destroy what happiness they could have, or find only shallow and short-lived joy in their lives. Few people turn to the Bible to answer the question of where we might find lasting happiness, and even established believers rarely focus on what the Bible might teach them about this important topic. Yet the Bible contains hundreds of verses that show us how important happiness is, where we can find it, and how we can develop it in our lives. This non-commercial and non-denominational book looks at what the Bible teaches on this subject that can help you find the happiness you were meant to enjoy. Download a free copy directly – without registration or email address – here
A Free E-Book for You – The Centurions: Lessons from Ten New Testament Men of Valor
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024. ISBN 979-8-89372-529-2
The New Testament records the interaction of ten Roman military men with Christ and the early Christians. These ten men are shown as men of honor and valor who all played some role in establishing and furthering the Christian faith. The Centurions looks at positive lessons we can learn from each of them because each soldier shows us something regarding character traits that are as important now as they were then – as vital and valuable to the Christian warrior today as they were to the centurions of ancient Rome. You can download a copy of our new e-book directly – without registration or email address – here.
By R. Herbert.
Tactical Belief Books, 2024. ISBN 979-8-89372-529-2
The New Testament records the interaction of ten Roman military men with Christ and the early Christians. These ten men are shown as men of honor and valor who all played some role in establishing and furthering the Christian faith. The Centurions looks at positive lessons we can learn from each of them because each soldier shows us something regarding character traits that are as important now as they were then – as vital and valuable to the Christian warrior today as they were to the centurions of ancient Rome. You can download a copy of our new e-book directly – without registration or email address – here.
A Free E-Book – A Brighter Light: Seven Simple Steps To Help Your Christian Light Shine
By R. Herbert
Letting our “lights” shine is a basic Christian responsibility, and this short book examines seven simple ways in which we can avoid short-circuiting the light God desires to show through us, and more effectively let that light shine. These principles can help us better reflect God’s nature, better do his work, and better fulfill his desire in our lives. Download a free copy of this new e-book here.
By R. Herbert
Letting our “lights” shine is a basic Christian responsibility, and this short book examines seven simple ways in which we can avoid short-circuiting the light God desires to show through us, and more effectively let that light shine. These principles can help us better reflect God’s nature, better do his work, and better fulfill his desire in our lives. Download a free copy of this new e-book here.
A New Free E-Book: Lessons From Luke
Each of the four gospels contains information on the life of Jesus that the others do not. But almost half of what we read in the Gospel of Luke is not found in any of the other three gospels. If it were not for Luke, we would not have much that we know about the life of Jesus, or many of his most famous teachings – such as the parables of the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and many others. Luke contains so much unique material that it is worth especially careful study – and this e-book opens up the third gospel in unique ways to show you just how much you have been missing! Download your free copy here.
Each of the four gospels contains information on the life of Jesus that the others do not. But almost half of what we read in the Gospel of Luke is not found in any of the other three gospels. If it were not for Luke, we would not have much that we know about the life of Jesus, or many of his most famous teachings – such as the parables of the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, and many others. Luke contains so much unique material that it is worth especially careful study – and this e-book opens up the third gospel in unique ways to show you just how much you have been missing! Download your free copy here.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Sometimes in studying the Bible you may wish you had quick access to a Bible Dictionary to explain or give more information regarding a biblical term, person, place, or event. Although it was originally published over a hundred years ago, Easton's Bible Dictionary is still useful and our download is the third edition which contains nearly 4,000 entries relating to the Bible. Most of the entries discuss their subjects concisely yet with good background. Some information is, of course, now dated, but the dictionary provides a quick portable reference (entries are hyperlinked alphabetically) for use on your computer or tablet. Download a copy in .pdf format here.
Sometimes in studying the Bible you may wish you had quick access to a Bible Dictionary to explain or give more information regarding a biblical term, person, place, or event. Although it was originally published over a hundred years ago, Easton's Bible Dictionary is still useful and our download is the third edition which contains nearly 4,000 entries relating to the Bible. Most of the entries discuss their subjects concisely yet with good background. Some information is, of course, now dated, but the dictionary provides a quick portable reference (entries are hyperlinked alphabetically) for use on your computer or tablet. Download a copy in .pdf format here.
A Short Children's Booklet: When God made Everything
This short book for young children is produced and made available by the Bible for Children project and is an excellent summary of the biblical creation account. We provide two versions – a .pdf in full color that can be read on a computer or printed, and a black and white version that can be given to children to color in the pictures as they read the story or have it read to them. Download this free resource here.
Also, if you have not yet seen it, take a look at the free The Children's Bible: Selections from the Old and New Testaments here.
This short book for young children is produced and made available by the Bible for Children project and is an excellent summary of the biblical creation account. We provide two versions – a .pdf in full color that can be read on a computer or printed, and a black and white version that can be given to children to color in the pictures as they read the story or have it read to them. Download this free resource here.
Also, if you have not yet seen it, take a look at the free The Children's Bible: Selections from the Old and New Testaments here.
A Classic Children's Bible: Selections from the Old and New Testaments
This month we are starting a new category of free e-books on our site – Bibles and books for children! Many Christians find it difficult to obtain good free Bibles and Bible-related books for their own or other children, so we are inaugurating this new category with a classic – The Children's Bible: Selections from the Old and New Testaments. First published back in the 1920's, this simplified translation makes all the major Bible stories accessible for older children while skipping more difficult sections of the Scriptures. But the included Bible stories are not retold – they are the relevant sections of the Bible itself. This provides an excellent transitional step from simple children's Bible stories to the full Bible – something that is often hard to find. The version offered on this site is the 2007 Project Gutenberg edition which can be downloaded and freely distributed. Other Christian children's books for different age groups (and helpful links) will be added to the new section soon! Download The Children's Bible here.
This month we are starting a new category of free e-books on our site – Bibles and books for children! Many Christians find it difficult to obtain good free Bibles and Bible-related books for their own or other children, so we are inaugurating this new category with a classic – The Children's Bible: Selections from the Old and New Testaments. First published back in the 1920's, this simplified translation makes all the major Bible stories accessible for older children while skipping more difficult sections of the Scriptures. But the included Bible stories are not retold – they are the relevant sections of the Bible itself. This provides an excellent transitional step from simple children's Bible stories to the full Bible – something that is often hard to find. The version offered on this site is the 2007 Project Gutenberg edition which can be downloaded and freely distributed. Other Christian children's books for different age groups (and helpful links) will be added to the new section soon! Download The Children's Bible here.
Two More Titles from Mark Copeland
Mark Copeland's excellent little studies in outline form have been popular downloads from this site. If you have not already read them, we recommend his A Closer Walk with God, A Harmony of the Life of Paul, Spiritual Growth, and Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Because they are short and presented in point-by-point format, they make easy reads and are perfect ready-made Bible studies.
We are happy to add two more of these useful outline books by this author to our site: The Sermon on the Mount and Baptism. You can find these along with the other books by Mark Copeland on our "Books by Author" page, here.
Mark Copeland's excellent little studies in outline form have been popular downloads from this site. If you have not already read them, we recommend his A Closer Walk with God, A Harmony of the Life of Paul, Spiritual Growth, and Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Because they are short and presented in point-by-point format, they make easy reads and are perfect ready-made Bible studies.
We are happy to add two more of these useful outline books by this author to our site: The Sermon on the Mount and Baptism. You can find these along with the other books by Mark Copeland on our "Books by Author" page, here.
A Free New E-Book – Getting Christianity Right: Finding the Balance We All Need
By R. Herbert
In our Christian lives we often come face to face with moral choices, options, and “grey areas.” Getting Christianity Right looks at some of the most common and often difficult of those areas – alphabetically, by topic – where what is right is not obvious, and we must find and maintain Christian balance. The book offers practical Christian advice for a great many situations where we may wonder, “What does the Bible say on this issue?” and “What should I do?” This book has the potential to help you improve your Christian walk in many ways – download a free copy to read on your computer, smartphone, or e-book reader, here.
By R. Herbert
In our Christian lives we often come face to face with moral choices, options, and “grey areas.” Getting Christianity Right looks at some of the most common and often difficult of those areas – alphabetically, by topic – where what is right is not obvious, and we must find and maintain Christian balance. The book offers practical Christian advice for a great many situations where we may wonder, “What does the Bible say on this issue?” and “What should I do?” This book has the potential to help you improve your Christian walk in many ways – download a free copy to read on your computer, smartphone, or e-book reader, here.
A New, Free, Christian e-Book App for Your Phone or Tablet!
Completely free for download and use – with no annoying ads, hidden charges, or upgrade requests – this new Christian e-book app can transform your Christian reading on the go! The new app allows you to easily access and read every e-book and Bible on the website directly on your Android smartphone or tablet. All of the many dozens of free Christian books and Bible translations can be read in .epub or .pdf format. Scan the QR code in the image above, or visit the Google Play store here, to download and start carrying your favorite Christian books and Bible translations today!
Completely free for download and use – with no annoying ads, hidden charges, or upgrade requests – this new Christian e-book app can transform your Christian reading on the go! The new app allows you to easily access and read every e-book and Bible on the website directly on your Android smartphone or tablet. All of the many dozens of free Christian books and Bible translations can be read in .epub or .pdf format. Scan the QR code in the image above, or visit the Google Play store here, to download and start carrying your favorite Christian books and Bible translations today!
Free New E-Book: Lessons from the Lives of the Twelve Disciples
By R. Herbert
Instead of focusing on the stories we know well about Peter and the other leading disciples and what may be unfounded legends and traditions regarding the others, whenever possible this book looks at what the Bible tells us about the group as a whole – something we often read over without thought. Yet what the New Testament tells us about the group Jesus chose is not simply background information and often teaches some profoundly important lessons that were written for our education. Like all the e-books we offer, Lessons from the Lives of the Twelve Disciples is free from advertising and available in formats for computer, e-book reader, or smart phone. Download a free copy of this e-book here.
By R. Herbert
Instead of focusing on the stories we know well about Peter and the other leading disciples and what may be unfounded legends and traditions regarding the others, whenever possible this book looks at what the Bible tells us about the group as a whole – something we often read over without thought. Yet what the New Testament tells us about the group Jesus chose is not simply background information and often teaches some profoundly important lessons that were written for our education. Like all the e-books we offer, Lessons from the Lives of the Twelve Disciples is free from advertising and available in formats for computer, e-book reader, or smart phone. Download a free copy of this e-book here.
Free Certificate Course in the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament
Cornerstone Bible Courses thirteen unit course provides a detailed study of the five books known as the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. The course focuses on the backgrounds and messages of these books and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study. All materials for the course – including textbooks and lesson materials – are free and can be downloaded directly from the Cornerstone website. For those who desire it, a free personalized certificate of completion is also available after finishing the course and taking a short final test. This course is now available here.
Cornerstone Bible Courses thirteen unit course provides a detailed study of the five books known as the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. The course focuses on the backgrounds and messages of these books and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study. All materials for the course – including textbooks and lesson materials – are free and can be downloaded directly from the Cornerstone website. For those who desire it, a free personalized certificate of completion is also available after finishing the course and taking a short final test. This course is now available here.
By R. Herbert
The Bible is sometimes called “the most-read and least-understood of all books,” and most Christians admit that it does contain many verses that seem confusing or difficult. This new e-book addresses that situation by working through the three steps necessary to better understand almost any Bible verse or to enrich your knowledge of the Scriptures. Whether you are a relatively new Christian or an experienced student of the word of God, this book is sure to increase your comprehension of the Bible.
Like all our e-books, UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE is free for instant download in the format of your choice here.
By R. Herbert
The Bible is sometimes called “the most-read and least-understood of all books,” and most Christians admit that it does contain many verses that seem confusing or difficult. This new e-book addresses that situation by working through the three steps necessary to better understand almost any Bible verse or to enrich your knowledge of the Scriptures. Whether you are a relatively new Christian or an experienced student of the word of God, this book is sure to increase your comprehension of the Bible.
Like all our e-books, UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE is free for instant download in the format of your choice here.
A New Year's Goal – Take a Free Bible Course!
If you are looking for a truly worthwhile goal to set for this new year, Cornerstone's carefully prepared non-denominational and non-commercial courses provide in-depth information on the Bible – without advertisements or other distractions – to those who cannot attend Bible school or seminary, or who simply want to understand the Bible at a deeper level in their own personal study. With Cornerstone courses you can study anywhere, on your own schedule, and you can download course materials without having to study while online.
General courses are available on the Old and New Testament, as well as a more focused course on the Old Testament Wisdom Books – with more courses being planned. Significantly, all course materials – including e-textbooks – are provided for free and there are no charges of any kind. If desired, an optional final exam can be taken online and a personalized certificate of completion is provided for all passing grades. Download a free course and study materials today from the site, here.
General courses are available on the Old and New Testament, as well as a more focused course on the Old Testament Wisdom Books – with more courses being planned. Significantly, all course materials – including e-textbooks – are provided for free and there are no charges of any kind. If desired, an optional final exam can be taken online and a personalized certificate of completion is provided for all passing grades. Download a free course and study materials today from the site, here.
The Scriptures begin with the story of what God gave humans at the beginning of history and end with what he wants to give them at history’s end. Between these bookends of giving, the Bible teaches generosity in the majority of its sixty-six books. The reason for this is because giving lies at the very heart of the nature of God himself and the lesson for us is that if we really want to learn about God and how we can grow to be more like him, we need to learn more about how to give. The new free e-book The Way of Giving provides an in-depth look at this core aspect of Christian living, and shows that there are many more opportunities to be generous than we often realize – even if we think we have little or even nothing to give. In fact, there are amazingly powerful ways in which we can all accomplish good through the kind of giving God encourages. Download a free copy of The Way of Giving in your favorite format for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smart phone, here.
The Scriptures begin with the story of what God gave humans at the beginning of history and end with what he wants to give them at history’s end. Between these bookends of giving, the Bible teaches generosity in the majority of its sixty-six books. The reason for this is because giving lies at the very heart of the nature of God himself and the lesson for us is that if we really want to learn about God and how we can grow to be more like him, we need to learn more about how to give. The new free e-book The Way of Giving provides an in-depth look at this core aspect of Christian living, and shows that there are many more opportunities to be generous than we often realize – even if we think we have little or even nothing to give. In fact, there are amazingly powerful ways in which we can all accomplish good through the kind of giving God encourages. Download a free copy of The Way of Giving in your favorite format for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smart phone, here.
Every year new and even well-established believers are unsettled and in some cases turned from the Christian faith by claims that the Bible contradicts itself and so it cannot be the inspired word of God. This book gives multiple examples of seven basic principles that can be easily learned and applied to explain supposed inconsistencies in the Bible. Scriptures in Question is an important tool for answering your own questions and those others might ask you. Download a free copy in .pdf, .mobi, or .epub format here.
Every year new and even well-established believers are unsettled and in some cases turned from the Christian faith by claims that the Bible contradicts itself and so it cannot be the inspired word of God. This book gives multiple examples of seven basic principles that can be easily learned and applied to explain supposed inconsistencies in the Bible. Scriptures in Question is an important tool for answering your own questions and those others might ask you. Download a free copy in .pdf, .mobi, or .epub format here.
The Unlocked Literal Bible
This is a literal, word for word version of the Scriptures, produced by an extensive team of biblical scholars from a number of theological backgrounds and denominations. It is published free of charge and without any restrictions on its quotation and use (hence the “Unlocked”) and is being translated into key “gateway languages” from where it can be translated into many others. Although the ULB is similar in style to the ESV or ASV we regard it as an improvement as it is accurate but more readable than many other literal versions.
Download a free copy of this new e-book in the format of your choice here.
This is a literal, word for word version of the Scriptures, produced by an extensive team of biblical scholars from a number of theological backgrounds and denominations. It is published free of charge and without any restrictions on its quotation and use (hence the “Unlocked”) and is being translated into key “gateway languages” from where it can be translated into many others. Although the ULB is similar in style to the ESV or ASV we regard it as an improvement as it is accurate but more readable than many other literal versions.
Download a free copy of this new e-book in the format of your choice here.
Free E-Book – The Power of Speech!
The Bible makes the dual power of speech – to hurt and to help – clear when it tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21 ESV). Our free e-book The Power of Speech: The Potent Force that Every Christian Is Called to Use Daily shows how you can stop harming yourself and others through what you say and start using the power of speech for good – as God intended every Christian should.
Download a free copy of this new e-book in .pdf format here.
The Bible makes the dual power of speech – to hurt and to help – clear when it tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21 ESV). Our free e-book The Power of Speech: The Potent Force that Every Christian Is Called to Use Daily shows how you can stop harming yourself and others through what you say and start using the power of speech for good – as God intended every Christian should.
Download a free copy of this new e-book in .pdf format here.
A Harmony of the Life of Paul
This great little book by Mark A. Copeland brings together the information we are given about the life of the apostle Paul in the book of Acts with what Paul tells us himself in his epistles. This gives a chronological viewpoint to Paul's life and ministry while adding weaving Paul's own statements into the story flow. Excellent for better understanding Paul and his work, the book is organized in simple framework style and is easy to read as well as to use as a reference.
Download a free copy of this e-book in .pdf format here.
This great little book by Mark A. Copeland brings together the information we are given about the life of the apostle Paul in the book of Acts with what Paul tells us himself in his epistles. This gives a chronological viewpoint to Paul's life and ministry while adding weaving Paul's own statements into the story flow. Excellent for better understanding Paul and his work, the book is organized in simple framework style and is easy to read as well as to use as a reference.
Download a free copy of this e-book in .pdf format here.
Lessons from the Life of Jesus By R. Herbert NEW, EXPANDED THIRD EDITION!
This book has always been one of the most popular downloads on this site and is now even better! The expanded third edition includes five new chapters – enhancing an already helpful book and adding many new practical lessons. Rather than simply retelling the story of the life of Jesus, the book focuses on important details of the gospel narratives that are easy to miss, but which can help us to better understand his life and teachings. In each case there are lessons we can learn and apply. Enrich your understanding of the life and work of Jesus and take away insights you can utilize today.
Download a free copy of this book in the format of your choice, here.
This book has always been one of the most popular downloads on this site and is now even better! The expanded third edition includes five new chapters – enhancing an already helpful book and adding many new practical lessons. Rather than simply retelling the story of the life of Jesus, the book focuses on important details of the gospel narratives that are easy to miss, but which can help us to better understand his life and teachings. In each case there are lessons we can learn and apply. Enrich your understanding of the life and work of Jesus and take away insights you can utilize today.
Download a free copy of this book in the format of your choice, here.
The Literal Standard Version
Many people prefer a “thought for thought” translation for regular Bible reading, but there are times when we need a more literal “word for word” version. One of the most literal Bible translations available, the LSV is a good choice when it is important to know the exact wording of a biblical passage, and it is more readable than some other strongly literal versions. The LSV uses single brackets to signify words that are added to make the meaning of the text clear, and it also has other helpful features. In the Old Testament the name of God, translated as LORD or Jehovah or Yahweh in most English translations, is rendered as YHWH – the consonants used in the Hebrew Bible.
Download a free copy of this Bible in the format of your choice, here.
Many people prefer a “thought for thought” translation for regular Bible reading, but there are times when we need a more literal “word for word” version. One of the most literal Bible translations available, the LSV is a good choice when it is important to know the exact wording of a biblical passage, and it is more readable than some other strongly literal versions. The LSV uses single brackets to signify words that are added to make the meaning of the text clear, and it also has other helpful features. In the Old Testament the name of God, translated as LORD or Jehovah or Yahweh in most English translations, is rendered as YHWH – the consonants used in the Hebrew Bible.
Download a free copy of this Bible in the format of your choice, here.
A New Edition of Spotlight on the Psalms!
A new, revised, and expanded edition of one of our more popular downloads – Spotlight on the Psalms: A Closer Look at One of the Bible's Best-Loved Books – by R. Herbert, is now available for free download.
Psalms is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament and most frequently read today. The new second edition of Spotlight on the Psalms includes more biblical, cultural, and even archaeological background information to enrich this practical commentary that can help you to better understand the psalms and better apply their messages in your own life.
Download a free copy of this new edition in the format of your choice, here.
A New Edition of Spotlight on the Psalms!
A new, revised, and expanded edition of one of our more popular downloads – Spotlight on the Psalms: A Closer Look at One of the Bible's Best-Loved Books – by R. Herbert, is now available for free download.
Psalms is the Old Testament book most often quoted in the New Testament and most frequently read today. The new second edition of Spotlight on the Psalms includes more biblical, cultural, and even archaeological background information to enrich this practical commentary that can help you to better understand the psalms and better apply their messages in your own life.
Download a free copy of this new edition in the format of your choice, here.
Berean Study Bible Tools
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is one of the best Bible versions available today (see Which Bible Should I Use? How to Choose the Best Translation for Your Needs) and can be freely downloaded from the Bibles section of our site. One slight disadvantage of choosing a Bible translation other than the most common versions (KJV, NIV, etc.) has always been that dedicated Bible tools such as concordances and topical indexes are not usually available for them. The publishers of the Berean Study Bible have remedied this situation by making three helpful tools available – for free – for use specifically with their version.
The BSB Outlines provide a simple outline structure for each book of the Bible, with each section having a URL linked to that part of the biblical text on the BibleHub site. Basic but useful for planning Bible studies, the outlines are concise and clear.
The Concordance lists all the occurrences of most of the words (and numbers) found in the BSB and is useful both for locating scriptures in that version and for detailed study of specific subjects.
The Topical Index is more general, grouping scriptures by theme rather than by the specific word. For example, rather than simply listing all the scriptures mentioning Aaron in their order of appearance in the Bible – as the Concordance does – the Topical Index groups those scriptures into some thirty themes such as Aaron, Lineage of; Aaron, Not permitted to enter Canaan; etc. This can be very useful for quickly locating specific scriptures as well as for studying focused biblical themes.
These study helps are all free and can be downloaded here.
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is one of the best Bible versions available today (see Which Bible Should I Use? How to Choose the Best Translation for Your Needs) and can be freely downloaded from the Bibles section of our site. One slight disadvantage of choosing a Bible translation other than the most common versions (KJV, NIV, etc.) has always been that dedicated Bible tools such as concordances and topical indexes are not usually available for them. The publishers of the Berean Study Bible have remedied this situation by making three helpful tools available – for free – for use specifically with their version.
The BSB Outlines provide a simple outline structure for each book of the Bible, with each section having a URL linked to that part of the biblical text on the BibleHub site. Basic but useful for planning Bible studies, the outlines are concise and clear.
The Concordance lists all the occurrences of most of the words (and numbers) found in the BSB and is useful both for locating scriptures in that version and for detailed study of specific subjects.
The Topical Index is more general, grouping scriptures by theme rather than by the specific word. For example, rather than simply listing all the scriptures mentioning Aaron in their order of appearance in the Bible – as the Concordance does – the Topical Index groups those scriptures into some thirty themes such as Aaron, Lineage of; Aaron, Not permitted to enter Canaan; etc. This can be very useful for quickly locating specific scriptures as well as for studying focused biblical themes.
These study helps are all free and can be downloaded here.
Free E-Book: Which Bible Should I Use?
It is often said that the best Bible is the one you will read. But given that basic truth, some Bible translations are better for specific tasks. Some translations make studying easier and more enjoyable, some are easier to memorize, and some are more accurate and profitable to study – getting as close as possible to what the biblical writers wrote and helping us to better understand their message.
That’s where our new, free, e-book comes in. Which Bible Should I Use? is specifically designed and written to help you choose and use the best translation for your needs for even greater understanding and engagement with the Scriptures! Take your Bible study up a notch – download our new book directly (without registration or having to give an email address) in formats for computer, e-book reader, or smartphone – here.
It is often said that the best Bible is the one you will read. But given that basic truth, some Bible translations are better for specific tasks. Some translations make studying easier and more enjoyable, some are easier to memorize, and some are more accurate and profitable to study – getting as close as possible to what the biblical writers wrote and helping us to better understand their message.
That’s where our new, free, e-book comes in. Which Bible Should I Use? is specifically designed and written to help you choose and use the best translation for your needs for even greater understanding and engagement with the Scriptures! Take your Bible study up a notch – download our new book directly (without registration or having to give an email address) in formats for computer, e-book reader, or smartphone – here.
The Christian and Self-Defense – What You Should Know
Is it unchristian to resort to force in the defense of oneself or others? This new e-book by R. Herbert looks first at the biblical verses that are often used by those who claim that defending oneself or others from harm is unscriptural. It then looks at those verses that Christian advocates of self-defense feel allow and encourage self-defense. Finally, The Christian and Self-Defense looks at the issue of avoiding the need for self-defense where possible and examines practical defensive options that can help to keep you and your loved ones safe. Download this free book here.
Is it unchristian to resort to force in the defense of oneself or others? This new e-book by R. Herbert looks first at the biblical verses that are often used by those who claim that defending oneself or others from harm is unscriptural. It then looks at those verses that Christian advocates of self-defense feel allow and encourage self-defense. Finally, The Christian and Self-Defense looks at the issue of avoiding the need for self-defense where possible and examines practical defensive options that can help to keep you and your loved ones safe. Download this free book here.
The Free E-Book You May Need More Than You Realize
Our free ebook, Take Courage! The Vital Quality Every Christian Must Have, was recently published and is ready for download in multiple formats. The topic is an important one. This book explains why courage is not just for heroes. It shows that the Bible commands us to utilize courage in many areas of our lives and that we must have courage if we are to please God. Take Courage! looks not only at why courage is vitally important for every Christian, but also how we can develop courage. It is a book that could change many aspects of your life. Download a free copy (no email or registration needed) here.
Our free ebook, Take Courage! The Vital Quality Every Christian Must Have, was recently published and is ready for download in multiple formats. The topic is an important one. This book explains why courage is not just for heroes. It shows that the Bible commands us to utilize courage in many areas of our lives and that we must have courage if we are to please God. Take Courage! looks not only at why courage is vitally important for every Christian, but also how we can develop courage. It is a book that could change many aspects of your life. Download a free copy (no email or registration needed) here.
Two Books by R.C. Sproul
We are very happy to be hosting two books by R.C. Sproul (1939 – 2017), the prolific American theologian, pastor, and founder of Ligonier Ministries.
What Is the Church? is an excellent study in R.C. Sproul’s “Crucial Questions” series which provides concise summaries of important Christian truths. In this carefully researched and organized volume, Dr. Sproul provided an overview of what the New Testament church is and how it is meant to fulfill its purpose. It also includes a great number of practical insights and applications for life in the Christian church today. Download What Is the Church? here.
What Is the Great Commission? is another excellent book in Dr. Sproul’s “Crucial Questions” series. Chapters in this volume discuss the commission given by Jesus to his disciples, the nature of the gospel, evangelism, missions, etc. The book shows that the true gospel is so much more than the limited “social gospel” preached by many and provides an interesting and inspiring look at the importance of the Great Commission for Christian life and belief. Download What Is the Great Commission? here.
These free resources are offered by special permission of Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul. All rights reserved.
We are very happy to be hosting two books by R.C. Sproul (1939 – 2017), the prolific American theologian, pastor, and founder of Ligonier Ministries.
What Is the Church? is an excellent study in R.C. Sproul’s “Crucial Questions” series which provides concise summaries of important Christian truths. In this carefully researched and organized volume, Dr. Sproul provided an overview of what the New Testament church is and how it is meant to fulfill its purpose. It also includes a great number of practical insights and applications for life in the Christian church today. Download What Is the Church? here.
What Is the Great Commission? is another excellent book in Dr. Sproul’s “Crucial Questions” series. Chapters in this volume discuss the commission given by Jesus to his disciples, the nature of the gospel, evangelism, missions, etc. The book shows that the true gospel is so much more than the limited “social gospel” preached by many and provides an interesting and inspiring look at the importance of the Great Commission for Christian life and belief. Download What Is the Great Commission? here.
These free resources are offered by special permission of Ligonier Ministries, the teaching fellowship founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul. All rights reserved.
Three Mini-Books on Christian Growth
These short outline-format e-booklets by Christian writer Mark A. Copeland have a common theme – Christian growth – and they cover topics that are foundational yet often not given the attention they deserve.
A Closer Walk with God looks at the blessings and responsibilities of being a Christian and is particularly suitable for those who are relatively new to the faith – though it will provide food for thought for individuals at any stage of the Christian walk. Download in .pdf format here.
Spiritual Growth is a booklet that is applicable to both new and established Christians and deals with goals and habits for successful growth as well as seldom discussed topics such as spiritual development and self-esteem. Download in .pdf format here.
Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is perhaps more suited to established Christians and covers various aspects of what it means to develop Christ-like character and to live out our lives as Jesus lived his. Download in .pdf format here.
These three e-booklets are short enough that they do not require a large investment of time to read, but they are well worth the time you might put into them. The author uses a carefully structured point by point outline method of presenting the material in each book, and they are all well suited to careful study and thought. We recommend them all as useful guides.
These short outline-format e-booklets by Christian writer Mark A. Copeland have a common theme – Christian growth – and they cover topics that are foundational yet often not given the attention they deserve.
A Closer Walk with God looks at the blessings and responsibilities of being a Christian and is particularly suitable for those who are relatively new to the faith – though it will provide food for thought for individuals at any stage of the Christian walk. Download in .pdf format here.
Spiritual Growth is a booklet that is applicable to both new and established Christians and deals with goals and habits for successful growth as well as seldom discussed topics such as spiritual development and self-esteem. Download in .pdf format here.
Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is perhaps more suited to established Christians and covers various aspects of what it means to develop Christ-like character and to live out our lives as Jesus lived his. Download in .pdf format here.
These three e-booklets are short enough that they do not require a large investment of time to read, but they are well worth the time you might put into them. The author uses a carefully structured point by point outline method of presenting the material in each book, and they are all well suited to careful study and thought. We recommend them all as useful guides.
Featured Book of the Month: Lessons From the Early Church
If you took advantage of the free Cornerstone course on the Four Gospels (described in last month's entry, below on this page), our featured free book for this month can be a natural continuation of your study. And even if you did not yet do the Four Gospels course, Lessons in Christian Living from the Early Church will provide an in-depth look at the Book of Acts and the events that occurred directly after those described in the gospels.
This book looks at lessons we can learn and apply from the beginnings of the Christian Church and can be used as a practical commentary, a study aid, to prepare lessons or sermons, or simply enjoyed as a profitable Christian read! You can download our featured book without cost here.
If you took advantage of the free Cornerstone course on the Four Gospels (described in last month's entry, below on this page), our featured free book for this month can be a natural continuation of your study. And even if you did not yet do the Four Gospels course, Lessons in Christian Living from the Early Church will provide an in-depth look at the Book of Acts and the events that occurred directly after those described in the gospels.
This book looks at lessons we can learn and apply from the beginnings of the Christian Church and can be used as a practical commentary, a study aid, to prepare lessons or sermons, or simply enjoyed as a profitable Christian read! You can download our featured book without cost here.
NEW (and Free) Certificate Course on the Four Gospels!
This new course takes a unique approach by looking at the key events in the life and ministry of Jesus – from his pre-incarnate existence to his ascension. In addition to specific unique events such as the Transfiguration and the Last Supper, the course looks at ongoing events such as Christ's teaching, miracles, and conversations – with many insights you will not find in other material on the subject.
Like all Cornerstone courses, the Four Gospels course is non-commercial and non-denominational. All the materials for the new course – including textbook and lesson materials – are free and can be downloaded directly from the Cornerstone Courses website. For those who desire it, a free personalized certificate of completion is also available after finishing the course and taking a short final test.
Download the course and textbook here.
NEW (and Free) Certificate Course on the Four Gospels!
This new course takes a unique approach by looking at the key events in the life and ministry of Jesus – from his pre-incarnate existence to his ascension. In addition to specific unique events such as the Transfiguration and the Last Supper, the course looks at ongoing events such as Christ's teaching, miracles, and conversations – with many insights you will not find in other material on the subject.
Like all Cornerstone courses, the Four Gospels course is non-commercial and non-denominational. All the materials for the new course – including textbook and lesson materials – are free and can be downloaded directly from the Cornerstone Courses website. For those who desire it, a free personalized certificate of completion is also available after finishing the course and taking a short final test.
Download the course and textbook here.
One of our most popular downloads, this helpful book examines the truth that "God's ways are not our ways" and the spiritual problems that come from "leaning on our own understanding." A guide to learning to direct our hearts rather than being directed by them, Bloom's book covers many aspects of following God's will rather than our own. We highly recommend Don't Follow Your Heart. If you have not read this modern classic, be sure to do so – and if you have, consider reading it again!
You can download a free copy of this book in several formats for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smartphone (without having to register or give an email address) from the download page, here.
One of our most popular downloads, this helpful book examines the truth that "God's ways are not our ways" and the spiritual problems that come from "leaning on our own understanding." A guide to learning to direct our hearts rather than being directed by them, Bloom's book covers many aspects of following God's will rather than our own. We highly recommend Don't Follow Your Heart. If you have not read this modern classic, be sure to do so – and if you have, consider reading it again!
You can download a free copy of this book in several formats for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smartphone (without having to register or give an email address) from the download page, here.
Vol. 1. Creation to Covenant
Vol. 2. The Promised Land to the Promised One
Cornerstone Publishing, ISBN 978-1-63752-297-4
Based on the successful Cornerstone course of the same name, this two volume e-book presents an in-depth but readable survey of the Old Testament by looking closely at key events recorded in the flow of the biblical narrative. This has many advantages over studying the Old Testament book by book, or theme by theme, and the course is now used in seminaries, Bible schools, and other biblical training situations, as well as for personal use by students of the Bible around the world. Volume 1 covers major biblical events from the story of Creation to the institution of the Sinai Covenant, Volume 2 covers the entry into the promised land to the end of the Old Testament. Together, the two volumes offer a clear overview and deeper understanding of the Old Testament. Download these free volumes in the format of your choice here and here.
Vol. 1. Creation to Covenant
Vol. 2. The Promised Land to the Promised One
Cornerstone Publishing, ISBN 978-1-63752-297-4
Based on the successful Cornerstone course of the same name, this two volume e-book presents an in-depth but readable survey of the Old Testament by looking closely at key events recorded in the flow of the biblical narrative. This has many advantages over studying the Old Testament book by book, or theme by theme, and the course is now used in seminaries, Bible schools, and other biblical training situations, as well as for personal use by students of the Bible around the world. Volume 1 covers major biblical events from the story of Creation to the institution of the Sinai Covenant, Volume 2 covers the entry into the promised land to the end of the Old Testament. Together, the two volumes offer a clear overview and deeper understanding of the Old Testament. Download these free volumes in the format of your choice here and here.
New Format Options for Our NET and WEB Bible Downloads!
We have now added new format options for two of our most frequently downloaded Bibles – the NET (New English Translation) and WEB (World English Bible) versions. Previously we have only been able to offer these versions in .epub format, but now you can download these bibles in .pdf format to read on any computer, .mobi format to read on Kindle, as well as .epub format to read on most e-readers and also on smartphones with a suitable app such as the free MannaBooks app for Android and Apple phones.
If you have not already tried them, the NET Bible is primarily an “idea for idea” translation, while the WEB Bible is a more “word-for word” translation. In this sense, the NET Bible is fairly close to the NIV (New International Version) and the WEB Bible is similar to the ESV (English Standard Version), to use two well-known versions as reference points. This makes the NET version a good reading Bible and the WEB Bible a little more useful as a study Bible. Using both types of translation can be helpful in getting the most out of our personal Bible reading and study. You can download the new formats for these Bibles here.
The NEW Tactical Christianity Website!
After seven years of operation, our website has been completely remade! The new site features an improved layout, as well as navigation, search, and other features that are a great advance over what the earlier site was able to offer. If you had visited the site before you will find that the page redesign also makes reading easier and more enjoyable.
We hope that you will visit and enjoy the new site and what it has to offer (here)!
After seven years of operation, our website has been completely remade! The new site features an improved layout, as well as navigation, search, and other features that are a great advance over what the earlier site was able to offer. If you had visited the site before you will find that the page redesign also makes reading easier and more enjoyable.
We hope that you will visit and enjoy the new site and what it has to offer (here)!
When it comes to wisdom, many Christians default to what the apostle James tell us: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God ... and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). But this does not mean that prayer has replaced study in the New Testament. The book of Proverbs remains a key way in which God does, in fact, give us wisdom – to the degree we study and internalize its principles! Our new e-book will open up your understanding of many of the proverbs, show you some surprising spiritual principles contained in the work, and enrich your knowledge of one of the most practical and helpful books of the Bible.
You can download a free copy of Spotlight on the Proverbs in several formats for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smartphone (without having to register or give an email address) from the download page, here.
When it comes to wisdom, many Christians default to what the apostle James tell us: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God ... and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). But this does not mean that prayer has replaced study in the New Testament. The book of Proverbs remains a key way in which God does, in fact, give us wisdom – to the degree we study and internalize its principles! Our new e-book will open up your understanding of many of the proverbs, show you some surprising spiritual principles contained in the work, and enrich your knowledge of one of the most practical and helpful books of the Bible.
You can download a free copy of Spotlight on the Proverbs in several formats for reading on computer, e-book reader, or smartphone (without having to register or give an email address) from the download page, here.
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is a relatively new translation of the whole Bible first published by the online Bible study site The translation was accomplished by a team of scholars associated with the Bible Hub ministry, and although the team was relatively small, the translation avoids many of the pitfalls associated with both single-person and large committee translations. According to the Berean Study Bible website, the Berean Bible consists of four components or “translation tiers,” including the Berean Study Version which is recommended for personal study, public reading, memorization, and evangelism.
Like all translations, the BSB is not perfect, but its attempt to faithfully follow the meaning of the underlying Hebrew and Greek text is commendable, and it is a very good translation that can be trusted for normal study of the Scriptures (see the review article on our sister site, here ). We are particularly happy to be able to offer the BSB on this site at this time, and pleased that the generous policies of its publishers mean that we can offer the Bible in all three major formats – as PDF, E-PUB, and Mobi (Kindle) files. If you have not used the Berean Study Bible, we recommend that you download a version of your choice here and that you try it. Not only is it a very worthwhile Bible version to have available for comparison, but also one that you may find yourself using regularly.
The Berean Study Bible (BSB) is a relatively new translation of the whole Bible first published by the online Bible study site The translation was accomplished by a team of scholars associated with the Bible Hub ministry, and although the team was relatively small, the translation avoids many of the pitfalls associated with both single-person and large committee translations. According to the Berean Study Bible website, the Berean Bible consists of four components or “translation tiers,” including the Berean Study Version which is recommended for personal study, public reading, memorization, and evangelism.
Like all translations, the BSB is not perfect, but its attempt to faithfully follow the meaning of the underlying Hebrew and Greek text is commendable, and it is a very good translation that can be trusted for normal study of the Scriptures (see the review article on our sister site, here ). We are particularly happy to be able to offer the BSB on this site at this time, and pleased that the generous policies of its publishers mean that we can offer the Bible in all three major formats – as PDF, E-PUB, and Mobi (Kindle) files. If you have not used the Berean Study Bible, we recommend that you download a version of your choice here and that you try it. Not only is it a very worthwhile Bible version to have available for comparison, but also one that you may find yourself using regularly.
It's not exactly a new free e-book, but it is free – and you can download the course units and study them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, at your own pace. The carefully prepared courses are non-denominational and non-commercial in approach and provide in-depth information on the Bible for those who cannot attend Bible school or seminary, or who simply want to understand the Bible at a deeper level in their own personal study.
All course materials and textbooks are provided for free and there are no charges of any kind. Courses can be completed offline, and for those who desire certification a final exam can be taken online and a personalized certificate of completion is provided. A twenty-four unit course in the Old Testament is available that offers a detailed examination of key biblical events and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study. A course in the New Testament is currently in preparation. All Cornerstone courses combine careful biblical scholarship – utilizing information from theology, archaeology, and biblical history – with practical insight and applications. Download a course from the Cornerstone website today – we are sure you will learn and profit from it!
It's not exactly a new free e-book, but it is free – and you can download the course units and study them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, at your own pace. The carefully prepared courses are non-denominational and non-commercial in approach and provide in-depth information on the Bible for those who cannot attend Bible school or seminary, or who simply want to understand the Bible at a deeper level in their own personal study.
All course materials and textbooks are provided for free and there are no charges of any kind. Courses can be completed offline, and for those who desire certification a final exam can be taken online and a personalized certificate of completion is provided. A twenty-four unit course in the Old Testament is available that offers a detailed examination of key biblical events and provides many insights not gained by other methods of study. A course in the New Testament is currently in preparation. All Cornerstone courses combine careful biblical scholarship – utilizing information from theology, archaeology, and biblical history – with practical insight and applications. Download a course from the Cornerstone website today – we are sure you will learn and profit from it!
By R. Herbert
Our free e-book, Lessons from the Life of Jesus, has always been one of our most popular titles and tens of thousands of copies have been downloaded since its publication in 2017. Now we are happy to announce that a new and revised (but still free!) second edition is available. This book is a perfect companion for background while studying the NET Bible Harmony of the Gospels (see last month's new book below) or for reading by itself. Lessons from the Life of Jesus contains twenty-five topics, each drawing from biblical history, archaeology, or culture, and giving a fresh insight into some aspect of the life and ministry of Christ – along with practical lessons you can apply in your Christian life today.
Like all our e-books, Lessons from the Life of Jesus is free for instant download in the format of your choice here.
Also this month we are excited to announce the publication of a French language version of Lessons from the Life of Jesus.
You can download a free copy of this new translation – LEÇONS INSPIRÉES DE LA VIE DE JÉSUS – here.
By R. Herbert
Our free e-book, Lessons from the Life of Jesus, has always been one of our most popular titles and tens of thousands of copies have been downloaded since its publication in 2017. Now we are happy to announce that a new and revised (but still free!) second edition is available. This book is a perfect companion for background while studying the NET Bible Harmony of the Gospels (see last month's new book below) or for reading by itself. Lessons from the Life of Jesus contains twenty-five topics, each drawing from biblical history, archaeology, or culture, and giving a fresh insight into some aspect of the life and ministry of Christ – along with practical lessons you can apply in your Christian life today.
Like all our e-books, Lessons from the Life of Jesus is free for instant download in the format of your choice here.
Also this month we are excited to announce the publication of a French language version of Lessons from the Life of Jesus.
You can download a free copy of this new translation – LEÇONS INSPIRÉES DE LA VIE DE JÉSUS – here.
STUDY EDITION – Edited by Jerry Peyton
If you are a regular visitor to this site, and our other Christian websites, you will know that the NET (New English Translation) Bible is a version that we recommend highly. This month we are especially pleased to provide access to the excellent NET Bible harmony of the Four Gospels prepared by Jerry Peyton and published by
Rather than utilizing an arrangement of the four Gospels that organizes the different accounts into parallel columns, this harmony is of the synthetic type – meaning that it weaves the accounts together into a more continuous flow. This format has advantages and disadvantages. While it can be a little more difficult to quickly see which Gospels include or do not include a specific account, it is far easier to read a synthetic harmony which preserves a better sense of narrative flow.
This harmony is well organized and places accounts together that are sometimes separated as though they represented different events purely on the basis of differing details. The harmony also includes a good number of study notes and explanations as well as some very useful appendices.
As with all the e-books we offer, THE NET BIBLE SYNTHETIC HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS is free – Check it out here.
STUDY EDITION – Edited by Jerry Peyton
If you are a regular visitor to this site, and our other Christian websites, you will know that the NET (New English Translation) Bible is a version that we recommend highly. This month we are especially pleased to provide access to the excellent NET Bible harmony of the Four Gospels prepared by Jerry Peyton and published by
Rather than utilizing an arrangement of the four Gospels that organizes the different accounts into parallel columns, this harmony is of the synthetic type – meaning that it weaves the accounts together into a more continuous flow. This format has advantages and disadvantages. While it can be a little more difficult to quickly see which Gospels include or do not include a specific account, it is far easier to read a synthetic harmony which preserves a better sense of narrative flow.
This harmony is well organized and places accounts together that are sometimes separated as though they represented different events purely on the basis of differing details. The harmony also includes a good number of study notes and explanations as well as some very useful appendices.
As with all the e-books we offer, THE NET BIBLE SYNTHETIC HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS is free – Check it out here.
We are particularly happy that of the new books we hope to upload to our site in the coming months, the first is the Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) of the Bible produced by the World Bible Translation Center and published by the Bible League International. The ERV uses simpler vocabulary and shorter sentences to make it easier to understand and is ideal for those using English as a second language, as well as others who find the more formal language of many versions of the Bible difficult to follow.
The ERV is available in many languages at the Bible League International website here, and we are very happy to be able to make the English language version available on this site. Despite its simplicity of style, the ERV is a carefully translated version that utilizes recent advances in biblical scholarship and follows a reasonable thought-for-thought rather than word-for-word approach.
The ERV Bible includes helpful footnotes and an overview of biblical history and the flow of the biblical narrative that will be useful for many without a lot of previous experience in Bible reading. The .pdf version has links to all the books of the Bible and the .epub and .mobi versions also have individual chapter links for each biblical book. Download a free copy in the format of your choice, here.
We are particularly happy that of the new books we hope to upload to our site in the coming months, the first is the Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) of the Bible produced by the World Bible Translation Center and published by the Bible League International. The ERV uses simpler vocabulary and shorter sentences to make it easier to understand and is ideal for those using English as a second language, as well as others who find the more formal language of many versions of the Bible difficult to follow.
The ERV is available in many languages at the Bible League International website here, and we are very happy to be able to make the English language version available on this site. Despite its simplicity of style, the ERV is a carefully translated version that utilizes recent advances in biblical scholarship and follows a reasonable thought-for-thought rather than word-for-word approach.
The ERV Bible includes helpful footnotes and an overview of biblical history and the flow of the biblical narrative that will be useful for many without a lot of previous experience in Bible reading. The .pdf version has links to all the books of the Bible and the .epub and .mobi versions also have individual chapter links for each biblical book. Download a free copy in the format of your choice, here.
By R. Herbert
While many people acknowledge patience is a virtue, it is easy to regard it as only a minor one – a distant cousin of the great spiritual virtues such as faith and love. Our popular e-book shows that patience is not only biblically commanded, but also of fundamental importance for every believer – far more so than many people would guess. Why Every Christian Needs More Patience shows exactly what the Bible says about this quality and the unexpected ways the Scriptures help us to make patience a part of our Christian lives.
This e-book is available in multiple formats to read on most computers, e-book readers, and smart phones. There is no need to register or give an email address – simply download a free copy here.
By R. Herbert
While many people acknowledge patience is a virtue, it is easy to regard it as only a minor one – a distant cousin of the great spiritual virtues such as faith and love. Our popular e-book shows that patience is not only biblically commanded, but also of fundamental importance for every believer – far more so than many people would guess. Why Every Christian Needs More Patience shows exactly what the Bible says about this quality and the unexpected ways the Scriptures help us to make patience a part of our Christian lives.
This e-book is available in multiple formats to read on most computers, e-book readers, and smart phones. There is no need to register or give an email address – simply download a free copy here.